37 years’ of Earth observation data available for the African continent

37 years’ of Earth observation data available for the African continent Free access to 37 years’ of Analysis Ready satellite imagery stored in the Digital Earth Africa Data…
18 Jun 2021

Using Digital Earth Africa to address unsustainable agriculture

Background The overuse and misuse of pesticides is a serious problem in Kenyan farms, with wide-reaching consequences for human health and the environment. Circumstantial…
08 Jun 2021

Australia and East Africa: Partners in climate change

By Luke Williams (first published in the Sunday Nation, 30 May 2021)    Climate change touches every aspect of our lives from the food we eat, to the energy we produce…
31 May 2021

Using Earth observation to protect and conserve wetlands in Kenya

One of the world’s most delicate ecosystems, wetlands are a crucial part of our natural environment. They may look chaotic, but the tidal pools, marshes and tangles of mangroves,…
26 May 2021

EO for conservation: rehoming giraffes on Lake Baringo, Kenya

  Threatened wildlife, shrinking habitats, strong partnerships, technological excellence and local expertise - this story has it all. Most importantly, it demonstrates…
13 May 2021

Monitoring Chlorophyll in Lake Elmenteita, Kenya

Around 120km North of Nairobi, nestled on the floor of Kenya’s Great Rift Valley lies Lake Elmenteita. Named from the Maasai word ‘ol muteita’ meaning place of dust, the alkaline…
05 May 2021

Get to know our Technical Advisory Committee co-chairs

The Digital Earth Africa Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a vital part of program governance, bringing together experts from a range of sectors and locations across Africa.…
27 Apr 2021

Digital Earth Africa releases new GeoMAD service on open-access platform

Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) has released “GeoMAD”, a powerful new information source for visualisation and analysis of changes across the African landscape.  In a…
08 Apr 2021

How innovation and technology are solving business problems in Africa

Innovation and powerful new technologies have the potential to spark significant economic growth across Africa. Digital Earth Africa is constantly striving to empower innovators…
01 Apr 2021

Mapping forest fires in Mount Kenya

The highest mountain in Kenya - and the second highest on the African continent - Mount Kenya is enclosed within the Mount Kenya National Park which covers an area of 715 km2 in…
15 Mar 2021