Digital Earth Africa is partnering with organisations across Africa and Australia to strengthen the impact of our tools and services on the continent. These collaborative projects are important in generating fit-for-purpose solutions in Africa using innovative geospatial techniques and research from leading scientists and organisations from around the globe. These projects also focus on empowering people and institutions in Africa with the tools and skills required to continue to utilise Digital Earth Africa tools and services to make data informed decisions to meet their goals.

Renforcement des Capacités en Observations de la Terre (OT) à travers le Project "EO Capacity Madagascar" à Madagascar

Qu’est-ce que le projet: EO Capacity Madagascar? 

Digital Earth Africa, en collaboration avec l'ambassade d'Australie à Maurice, ont lancé une…

EOCapacity: Madagascar

What is the EOCapacity: Madagascar Project?

Digital Earth Africa, in collaboration with the Australian Embassy in Mauritius, are implementing an Earth observation (EO) initiative in Madagascar, which aims to empower…

Information for Agriculture, Food and Water Security (IAFWS)

What is the IAFWS project?

The Information for Agriculture, Food and Water Security (IAFWS) project seeks to improve lives, through the productivity of smallholder farmers and demonstrate what can be learnt from Earth observation. The one…

Creating an open-source framework for Crop-Type mapping in Africa

What is the project ‘Creating an open-source framework for Crop-Type mapping in Africa’?

Digital Earth Africa partnered with the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)