Digital Earth Africa Working Teams


Product Development Task Team

The Product Development Task Team supports Digital Earth Africa with the creation of ready-to-use data products and services. The team, which consists of members from the DE Africa Team, Global Team and Implementing Partners, supports the planning, design and development of continental-scale products. Their geographical spread over Africa enables them to provide continent-wide validation campaigns, and to collect crucial reference data. Through the work of the Product Development Task Team, DE Africa is able to create products and services that respond effectively and reliably to user need.

Product Development Group Terms of Reference.


Communication Working Group

The Communication Working Group is an integral aspect of our Program, guiding Digital Earth Africa's communication and engagement approach. Equipped with a variety of materials, guidelines and visuals, the group are brand custodians of Digital Earth Africa and contribute to the consistency of our visual identity across the continent. The Group also contributes to a range of communication methods from social media posts to events, to blogs. With representatives from variety of organisations across Africa, working closely with this team encourages a collaborative approach to communication and engages a variety audiences.

Communication Working Group Terms of Reference.


Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion Working Group

DE Africa is committed to ensuring our work promotes geographic diversity across Africa, gender equality, and the inclusion of youth and people with disabilities. The purposes of the GEDSI Working Group are to advise Digital Earth Africa on the implementation of the GESDI strategy, and to involve all relevant partners and key stakeholders, encouraging ownership of a greater expert input into GEDSI activities.

GEDSI Collaborative Working Group Terms of Reference.